Monday, March 2, 2015

With week 2, we start to see whether I can turn this into a habit. Ironically, it was easier for me to sit down and focus on deliberately finding something good to say when I had the same old things to complain about. Filling the void really was an apt description of what this blog is meant to be for the first six weeks. The odd thing is that I have a harder time sitting down to write about one good thing when my whole day was pleasant and I don't have much to complain about.

Sure, I could find things to complain about if I wanted to. I have even lapsed in my goal since last Monday, but I have been much happier and more at ease since starting this project. Now that things are easier to deal with, it is not as easy to focus on doing this.

I find that most of my faith practices are like this. It seems that there are two general faith responses to extreme situations. I am aware that many people have lost their faith when tragedy or severe struggles come their way. Hardship can lead some to question and doubt. Pain can lead someone to blaming God for misery because He is the author of fate. On the flip side, there is the old expression, 'no atheists in a foxhole.' This expression addresses the natural human tendency to look to a higher power when things are beyond your control. My faith is my life raft in times of difficulty. I do not falter because I doubt. I falter when I get comfortable. I get complacent and lazy. Perhaps I can convince myself of the dangers of complacency and fight it as if it looked like the grave and pressing danger it is.

I pray for the protection of my guardian angel and for the intercession of the saints. Oh, dear saints, while you are at it, please pray for everyone who has asked for my prayers and for whom I have said I would pray. I mean well but I forget. Please remember for me and pray for them as I intended.

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